Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bear wants beer

In a bbq coma I knew we were really going to have to rally to hit the town. First we had to take advantage of our jacuzzi on our last night at the b&b. I used some of the tropical body wash in the shower and ended up making quite the bubble bath. We had debated getting in in our bathing suits but since we were about to go out we opted to just stick our feet in. haha I'm sure this is not how the jacuzzi is typically used in a b&b but it was great fun. We ended up having to turn off the jacuzzi jets bec. the bubbles got so high. Fortunately just as the bubbles started to make us a little sleepy my lovely friend Chelsea, who lives in Austin, showed up. She was kind enough to drive us downtown and hit the bars. We had hear to go out on 6th street but fortunately Chelsea showed us which side of 6th street to go out on. I guess one side is all college kids with a Girls Gone Wild Van hovering nearby.... yeah, not quite our cup o'tea. I can't remember the name of the first bar we went to but it was a cute outdoor bar with a great selection of beer. I liked that all the bars in Austin are outdoors with heat lamps. We ran into a couple of Chelsea's friends who were kind enough to hang with us and took us to the next bar, Molotov. What happened next was absolutely hysterical, to say the least. We arrived at the bar and I looked up on the second level porch and saw...FURRIES! (I am not explaining that one to Mom). I'm also not entirely sure they were furries, but whatever it was there were about 50 people dressed up as animals ordering drinks and tearing up the dance floor. It was so freaking funny. I couldn't stop taking pictures of the animals dancing with each other, ordering drinks at the bar, etc. I have no idea what it was but the bouncer said a bus had pulled up and unloaded all 50 of them. We also heard word that about 100 people dressed as animals were running around in circles in Union Sq. back in NYC that night so who knows. The animals were let loose! We hung out till about 1/1:30 dancing to an awesome dj. Seriously, he rocked.
The night out was a blast and I have to thank Chelsea, well the furries too ;), for that.

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