Saturday, February 21, 2009

San Antonio- it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a plant coming at your head

After the long long drive we finally made it to San Antonio and humidity. But no complaining here, esp. considering what we'll be going back to in NYC.  Since we got into town around 9pm we only had time to catch a late dinner.  We headed down immediately to the River Walk, since that's the big draw in town.  We found pretty much the only restaurant that was open so late that night and sat down to eat.  Now, before I tell this story I will say that you should eat at the River Walk bec. of the ambience.  But be forewarned that it's a huge tourist trap and not necessarily the best food.  Also, make sure you eat somewhere with an umbrella over your head! why? oh let me tell you why.  The whole time we were sitting down by the river you can see people walking on the street overhead. I kept turing to the girls and saying how it felt like New Orleans and that at any minute I expected someone to throw beads at me.  About half way through dinner I was beginning to develop a fear of being pelted with beads.  (My back was to the street)  A few minutes after that I heard some noisy teenagers up above and I said to the girls, "you know, I really think they have a problem here with people throwing stuff. It's so easy." BAM!!!! Flying plant zips by my head missing me by a little under a foot.  A little bit of dirt in the hair, on the lap and near my water.  Yep, we had a teenager plant assault.  And as I had presumed it must be a problem bec. out of nowhere this man in a suit with a walkie takes off running to chase them.  I had to laugh, only bec. the plant missed me. It definitely would NOT have been funny had it landed on me or worse in my food.  I felt even better when our waiter said a few days ago a drunk man peed off the street down to the river walk almost hitting one of the waitresses.  I will take a plant any day over pee. ugg..... 
Anyways, this is by no means a way to deter you from checking out the river walk.  It's really qiute lovely and romantic, esp. at night.  Just eat under an umbrella.

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